

package airavat

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AiravatJobListener extends SparkListener

  2. class AiravatJobMetric extends slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile.API.Table[(String, Int, Long, Int, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, String)]

  3. class AiravatQueryListener extends QueryExecutionListener with Logging

  4. class AiravatQueryMetric extends slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile.API.Table[(String, Long, String, String, Long, String, Long, Int, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long)]

  5. class AiravatQueryPlan extends slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile.API.Table[(String, Long, String, Long, Long, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, String, String)]

  6. class DateTimeSerializer extends JsonSerializer[DateTime]

  7. case class JobMetricTuple(jobId: Int, jobDescription: String, stageIds: Seq[Int], numStages: Long, stageInfo: Seq[StageInfoTuple], rddInfo: Seq[RDDInfoTuple], numTasks: Int, totalDuration: Long, totalDiskSpill: Long, totalBytesRead: Long, totalBytesWritten: Long, totalResultSize: Long, totalShuffleReadBytes: Long, totalShuffleWriteBytes: Long, timestamp: String = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  8. class ListSerializer extends JsonSerializer[Seq[Any]]

  9. class MapSerializer extends JsonSerializer[Map[Any, Any]]

  10. class OptionSerializer extends JsonSerializer[Option[Any]]

  11. case class QueryMetricTuple(executionId: Long, jobIds: String, description: String, startTimestamp: Long, sparkPlan: String, endTimestamp: Long = 0L, numTasks: Int = 0, totalDiskSpill: Long = 0L, totalBytesRead: Long = 0L, totalBytesWritten: Long = 0L, totalResultSize: Long = 0L, totalShuffleReadBytes: Long = 0L, totalShuffleWriteBytes: Long = 0L) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class QueryPlanTuple(executionId: Long, description: String, startTimestamp: Long, endTimestamp: Long, sparkPlan: String, logicalPlan: String = "", optimizedPlan: String = "", executedPlan: String = "", queryStats: String = "", duration: Long = 0L, metrics: String = "", serializedPlan: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class RDDInfoTuple(id: Int, memSize: Long, diskSize: Long, numPartitions: Int, storageLevel: StorageLevel) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class StageInfoTuple(stageId: Int, details: String, completionTime: Option[Long], submissionTime: Option[Long], numTasks: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class TaskMetricTuple(id: String, taskId: Long, stageId: Long, jobId: Int, executorId: Option[String], attemptNumber: Option[Int], duration: Option[Long], gettingResultTime: Option[Long], diskBytesSpilled: Option[Long], executorCpuTime: Option[Long], executorDeserializeCpuTime: Option[Long], executorDeserializeTime: Option[Long], executorRunTime: Option[Long], inputBytesRead: Option[Long], inputRecordsRead: Option[Long], jvmGCTime: Option[Long], memoryBytesSpilled: Option[Long], outputBytesWritten: Option[Long], outputRecordsWritten: Option[Long], peakExecutionMemory: Option[Long], resultSerializationTime: Option[Long], resultSize: Option[Long], shuffleReadFetchWaitTime: Option[Long], shuffleReadLocalBlocksFetched: Option[Long], shuffleReadLocalBytesRead: Option[Long], shuffleReadOutputRecordsRead: Option[Long], shuffleReadRemoteBlocksFetched: Option[Long], shuffleReadRemoteBytesRead: Option[Long], shuffleReadRemoteBytesReadToDisk: Option[Long], shuffleWriteBytesWritten: Option[Long], shuffleWriteRecordsWritten: Option[Long], shuffleWriteWriteTime: Option[Long], timestamp: String = ...) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AiravatApp extends App

  2. object JobMetricSerializer

  3. object MetricAnalyzer extends Logging

  4. object QueryMetricSerializer

  5. object QueryPlanSerializer

  6. object TaskMetricSerializer

  7. package sickle
